A few weeks ago, I contacted a company about an event they were having. I was sales pitching my balloon decor business. There response was a simple "sorry, at this time... yada yada yada." So I tucked my tail under for about 10 minutes and I decided I could do something bigger than them. This "no" gave me the push I needed to aim my sights just a little bit higher. The old saying "go big or go home" was my push.
I have taken my own advice today and am learning the hard way that "if you never ask a question, the answer will always be no."
One of the best pieces of advice I got was from Mr. Jim who worked at Clayton Homes in Waycross when I worked in manufactured housing sales. I had called him repeatedly asking petty questions when I began ordering new houses from him. One phone call I opened it up with "I got another dumb question". His immediate response to me was "the only dumb question there is, is the one that is never asked because you will never know the answer". That has stuck with me for over 15 years!
Life is about taking chances, taking risks, dreaming big, and living with a vision in front of you that is pushing you on and giving you determination.
When you are given a "no", don't sit and dwell on the "no". It just simply means it was not for you to do. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone is going to appreciate you. That is life. Don't take it as setting yourself up for a fall. Don't listen to fear and let doubt hold you back. You were meant for more than you ever could think or imagine!!!
Don't be your own worst critic! Don't allow yourself to cut and sell yourself short!! The "yes" you are wishing for is only on the other side of the question mark!!!
So what if you try something and you fail. At least you had the guts enough to try something no one else has done!!!! I proved that point today. You don't know what people are out there looking for you and your work. How do I know? Out of all the people in America that could do what I did today, the company had been thinking about it but wasn't sure what to do about it. Today, I put myself there to get myself out there. If all goes according to plan, I will be there in a few months!!!
But when you get a no, don't stop there!! Don't give up!! Go forward even harder and dream bigger. Branch out. Spread your wings. Let your passion outweigh your fears. Dare to dream... And FLY!!! BIG things are coming in 2015!!!! #CarriedAwayCreations #RoadTrip #Phillipians413