If you follow me on my other social media accounts, you know I am a person who loves to take lots and lots of pictures of anything that catches my eye. Secondly, you know I am a huge nature watcher, especially the things in the sky. I love to capture the right pictures of sunrises, sunsets, clouds, moon rises, planets, skydivers (wait, yes we divers qualify as nature things in the sky too!).
I could spend all day outside with my camera clicking away. At night, when it's a clear night and the moon is shining bright, I could stay in a hammock all night if it weren't for these south Georgia mosquitoes (or skeeters). And snakes. And coyotes. And other mysterious things that make sounds and you get chills down your spine along with cotton mouth, heart racing, sweaty palms, and all blood flow literally stops. You could say fear sets in very comfortably!
There's this one spot on our dirt road that is wide open fields on both sides. So there's a great view of the heavenly light shows. I've put a notice out to all my neighbors, if you see my truck or get a call about a vehicle parked by your property taking pictures at all kinds of hours. I am the guilty person. I usually put my truck in park in the middle of the road, turn off the ignition and head lights, roll the window down, and sit on the door to get some shots. Usually have ole Betsy right beside me.
I live in good old southeast Georgia. Rural Georgia. In the great wide open of the finest of country living. Farm life. Country living beats city living. No question about it. While sitting on the side of my truck capturing the perfect shot, I'm bad about zoning out my surroundings and forgetting where I'm at. One night during a full moon escapade, close to midnight, there I was lost in keeping the camera perfectly still balancing my elbows on the hood. Adjusting the lighting in the camera. All of a sudden, above the crickets and the frogs, there was a loud "phhhhbbbbbb" followed by a faint "moooooooo". Panic attack in full blown mode. I think my heart still beats out of rhythm to this day. How could I forget the cows were there?!
The next week I had to call the farmer / landowner where the cows have residence about something else. However, I did mention my cow scare. As I was done telling my story, he chuckled and said "I thought you were going to tell me you'd seen the glowing blue light rising in the trees."
Stop the music. Hold on... What did you just say?! And you said it calmly. Could you repeat yourself? I said "do what? What you mean a light in the trees?!?!?"
He replied with "you've been raised here your whole life and never heard about the light?"
"Ummmmmmm, nope" was all I could muster out.
He tells me "You know that patch of trees that was behind you while you we taking pictures? Well there's a mysterious blue light that only rises at a certain time of the year. I've seen it twice. My niece has seen it. And so has so and so. I was on my tractor one night plowing the field and I saw it rising and it got up to about half the trees and it just sat there until I left. Then I seen it again. I've always heard it was there when I was growing up. But I know it's there. In that patch of woods is a single grave. That's all I know. But I was hoping you had seen it too!"
My response. .."Negative. Nope. No way. I'm moving. End of story. And no more pictures at night there. You've just ruined it for me." Should I doubt him? No, he's never lied to me before. I know some things can not be explained.
He began to tell me other places out here with weird scenarios. One I had heard off before. Then taking with another neighbor, the story has been around for years.
End of story....
Ever since I heard that story, when I pass by that field I try not to look over that way. But curiosity always gets the best of me. Thank the Lord I've never seen a thing! Don't know what I'd do if I did. But I did tell a fib. That is best place to take pictures, so I still stop and click away.
Fast forward to Friday night. Here I was riding on the dirt road headed home. Minding my own business. Singing along with my Chris Young CD. Had just passed "that" field. No signs of anything. When I noticed the field across from it, which has a group of trees in it too, with a light about "halfway up the trees just sitting there." Oh boy did I slam on brakes in a hurry. I sat there for about 15 - 30 seconds and decided I was "brave enough" to pass by it.
Our main dirt road has a lot of side roads on it. Some views are blocked due to trees and overgrowth of weeds as to what could be PARKED at stop sign. As I got closer, I finally to see the semi that was parked Just before the end of the road at the stop sign. His head lights were causing my mini heart attack as they were shining ever so brightly on the trees as if were floating in the one spot.
Through out my almost 40 years of being here on this great planet. I am thankful nothing has ever happened around me I couldn't explain. I've had a few family members have things happen to them at their houses couldn't be explained. But I've learned a valuable lesson. Don't listen to scary stories. Even as brave as I am sometimes, I'm still a big ole fraidy cat sometimes too!