Monday, November 14, 2011

A Trip to Remind Me of My Blessings

This is a note I posted on my FB page back on June 25, 2011... Though I have posted several, this one still means the most to me.. I hope you enjoy...

"is just so thankful for all the blessings God has given me. This early morning trip to Tifton has been a real eye opener......"

This morning I had to make a trip to Tifton to the UPS hub to pick up a tux that was ordered  yesterday for a wedding for today. UPS no longer delivers to Douglas on Saturdays, so I had to start my morning a little earlier. I spend a lot of my time noticing things when I drive. I guess sometimes a little bit too much. My Daddy (who was a semi truck driver for almost 36 years until he got sick) always taught us to pay attention to everything going on around you. You know what you are doing, it is always the other person you need to look out for. You never know what they are going to do. Mainly he referred to this as not knowing what the person behind the wheel of the other car was doing so you could prevent a head on collision.

I drive and think about all kinds of stuff from my life as I see things that are happening as I pass them by. Things seem to bring back all sorts of great memories... Growing up on the little family farm. Being raised in the country with all those critters. Growing up with a family that just loves everybody.

But then there is the side of things that you have never seen or experienced you happen to see... And it just breaks your heart into a million pieces. It literally hurts your spirit. Things that you just can seem to fathom or explain... It was all  because you were so blessed that you never were forced to or had to go through the circumstances that the other person faced. You never had to walk in their shoes to know their side of the story.

I know I am a big ole' softie and my heart does overpower my thinking quite often. Yes, sometimes it can be a good quality to possess. But then, when a person recognizes that about you, you can be taken for granted. But, me having a heart the size of Texas, is the way God created me and I am proud of that characteristic God placed within me. Having a heart to reach out to others even though knowing the whole time it may not mean anything to the next person, that doesn't bother me. It has helped make me who I am today.

This morning, as I was just passing Chick-Fil-A in the west bound side of traffic in Tifton, I noticed a homeless man on the east bound side of the road. I could not see his face due to the traffic flow. He had his bicycle, his only means of transportation. What little bit of earthly possessions he has was in a tray on his bike in a white bag. His hair was in dreads and was piled up and rubber banded on his head. He had on an old worn out blue shirt. His jeans were also very worn. He had clothes on his back. Then I noticed his shoes. He had on slip on bed room shoes. The ones that are backless. Not good closed in shoes to help him pedal the bike. But big bulky shoes which I am sure got caught in the chain as he would pedal his bike. Yes, my heart broke and I got a little misty eyed.. Well, I got a lot misty eyed and the proof ran down my cheeks.

I know life is all about choices and circumstances you make and that determines where you get in life. You chose right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse... Me, with my mind running wide open as it always seems to do, just began to wonder who, what, when, and why...

Who was he? What was his name? How old was he?

Where was he from and where was he going?

What was so bad that happened to him that made him chose to live like this?

What circumstances took place in his life that made him think so little of himself that he gave up his dream and just began to settle for what ever he could to get by with?

What choices did he chose that made him possibly lose everything he had worked for his whole working life?

Did his family even know he was still alive?

When was the last time he had contact with them?

Did he have a wonderful and loving mother and father like I do and did, who would give everything to keep me from living that lifestyle???

Was he ever married and did he have kids?

If he had kids... Boys or girls? How old are they now?

What did he do in his own thinking that made him feel worthless and thought that life could not get better for him just before that point where he gave up literally everything?

Did someone offer him an addictive drug one night, and instead of him saying no, he took that one hit thinking he could handle it due to peer pressure? And then that one hit instantly and completely took over his whole life because all he could do was try to find ways of getting another hit until it completely consumed him and he woke up one morning an addict.

But most importantly...

Did he know about a Saviour who could turn all of this around for him?

Had he ever been to church and heard about Jesus who died for him?

And don't think for one minute I didn't try to go back through those stores and parking lots to find him. I did... And I failed miserably... Had I found him, he would have had some shoes and socks brought back to him from Wal-Mart since it is the only store open at 8:00 a.m. He would have had a new pack of t-shirts and a pair of good jeans. He would have had a good breakfast to fill up his probably empty stomach. But he would have also had a brand new Bible brought back to him too...

Do you think I would have done this? Yes, I would have. I have done it before. When I was moving into the shop here at my current location around January 1, 2010, there was an older homeless man who I noticed in town a couple of days. He carried a bright blue sleeping bag. It was freezing outside. That second night, I went home and got some of my Daddy's clothes and rewashed them so they would be really clean, packed them in a suitcase that had wheels for easier travels, and brought it to the shop the next day. Not only were there clothes in the suitcase, I had a couple of towels and wash rags, some toiletries, some canned food, a couple pair of new warm gloves, a new throw blanket, and most importantly on top I placed a Bible for him. But, he never showed back up...

Am I telling this to get credit for anything? NOOOOO, not by any means what so ever...

Now to be real... Some days, I wake up and think what if this or what if that. Sometimes, I wake up and wonder is there anything any worse than this or that. Or what else could happen. If I could change this or that would it make it better or worse than what I am going through right now. Or simply, can it get any worse, really????

I was soooo blessed to have a mother and a father, a brother, a grandmother (all my other grand parents were gone before I was born), aunts and uncles, cousins, a niece, and lots of great friends I knew I could count on who kept me in check. Most importantly, I knew that if everyone walked off and left me, I had a God in Heaven who I knew was there for me and loved me. Am I perfect, no where near it. I just try really hard to do the best that I can in my walk with Him. I know God has placed a special calling on my life. It has been spoken over my life many times. Just waiting on the right season for everything to come to fruition...

I have a house that has power, air, and heat. I have means of transportation to go back and to to work. I have food in my refrigerator and cabinets. I have clean, running water.

Yes, I have a business. Sometimes my job completely stresses me out. But to be able to meet different people that come in and be able to share the Gospel in MY shop without being threatened by a boss or supervisor, well, that is priceless!!! But I also realize, it is here today and could be gone tomorrow.

This has been one of those things that I could not wait until 4:00 to get here today so I could write this... I know there are some of you who will read this and think I have absolutely finally lost my mind.  Well, just so you can consider yourself warned, this is a first of many more to come!!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this through. It really means a lot to me.  Thank you and God Bless You!!!

Just an update... please go read part 2 of this... God opened a door for me to complete my missed blessing!! here's the link..

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