Monday, October 14, 2024

Hurricane Helene

Taken Friday, 9:30 pm

September 27, 2024

Coffee County Court House

September 27, 2024

The day that Hurricane Helene forever changed the lives of so many, especially us here in Coffee County, Georgia. 

I am a weather nerd. I love a clear night to chase the stars. A clear night to watch meteor showers. A cloudy night to chase a good lightning storm. You can say I got the love of all things weather related from my Daddy. I remember as a kid, Daddy would always go out and watch the "heat lightning." While taking my US National Weather Service Jacksonville Florida Storm Spotter Certification Class, I found out "heat lightning" is a myth. "Heat lightning" is actually a storm off in the distance you are just too far away from to hear the thunder.

Thursday, September 26, 2024, is a day I spent watching all kinds of reports from multiple meteorologists. I know enough to get me in trouble and to make me go into prep mode. The morning of September 26, I was hoping and praying it was not going to be as bad as they were predicting it to be here. September 26, I was hoping that September 27 would not bring as much damage as they said. I mean, who has ever heard of over 100 mph wind gusts here in Coffee County?! There was one predicted path I was watching and she never waivered from that path. By 4 p.m., I knew we were in for a long night. 

All these years we have always been warned "the big one" was headed our way. Sometimes it changed paths. Sometimes it slowed down. Prayers were answered. We have sat back and watched our brothers and sisters of Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, and even our east coast Georgian neighbors take the brunt of the storms. All these years we have been so blessed to not go thru what we all experienced during the early hours of Friday morning. We have been the ones who have rushed to the disaster areas to help others. This time, we were the ones that were being rushed to with supplies, equipment, and folks with huge hearts ready to jump in and help.

I have been to a flooded area before after a storm. Denham Springs, Louisiana. Labor Day 2016. I headed out with a UHaul trailer full of donations. I saw what a lot of water could do to a town in just a matter of days. 

Our destruction and damage is a lot different than a flood. The beautiful pines and oaks we are proud of around here were helpless in the wrath of Helene's mighty winds. Just riding around and seeing the landscape changed from what we were used to seeing. This will be the storm we will share with the future generations that forever changed Coffee County. 

I decided staying at the shop was safer than being home during the storm. I didn't trust the oak trees around my house. I was blessed they didn't fall on my house.  Friday night, as I was sitting in the shop with my little light I was using to move around, I realized this is one of the very few times downtown Douglas has been completely dark. The storm had already passed thru hours before. So I grabbed my Canon and went on the sidewalk in the complete darkness and did some camera clicking. 

A sky full of stars and being able to see the stars in downtown is very rare so I had to capture the moment. It was so quiet. It was so eerie. The stillness of the night. As I sat there on the sidewalk amongst the tin from the roof, all of the who, what, when, where, and hows started running thru my mind then the tears started flowing. 

One thing I pray is we never have to go thru another Hurricane Helene type disaster ever again. The destruction. The aftermath. The heartbreak. The loss. It is different when you finally stop and realize you are the one everyone is coming to rescue. 

Coffee County folks and everyone who showed up to help us from all over the United States has been nothing short of amazing. And well, that is a future post that deserves it's own post real soon!  I am thankful to be from a community that has pulled together in so many ways to help their neighbors. #ForCoffee #CoffeeStrong #HurricaneHelene

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

1 Peter 3:15

This showed up from my Facebook memories from 2022 where I reshared from 2020... I needed this reminder today.

And I quote...

This post showed up from 11.15.2020. And it took on a whole new meaning to me today more than it did 2 years ago.

"Friday while doing deliveries at a business in Jacksonville, I happened to glance down and see the jumbled up letters in the grass. So I picked it up and showed the folks inside and they didn't recognize it. So I'll take it as another little message from God that I needed to see❤

Cleaning out my pocketbook just now and found it again so I looked up the scripture...

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

He is my hope ❤
He is my strength ❤
He is my peace ❤
He is my Saviour ❤"

Today, 11.15.22, I want to add some extra ramblings.

What is the real meaning of hope?

Via Wikipedia... "Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation."

He is the hope that I have when I can't see what the future holds because He wants good for me.

He is the hope that I have when I feel like I can't push thru another day because He is my strength.

He is the hope that has held my heart that has been broken like it has never been broken before thru these last almost 9 months because He knows loss, grief, and heartache.

The hope that no matter how bad everything around me seems, there is the hope the days will get better because He is my source.

He is my hope when I am hanging on to the very knot at the end of the rope so I don't let go.

He is my hope because He is my provider.

He is the reason why I can find hope and have the mindset things will get better. The reason I have a positive outlook on life even in the worst of times.

How do I face each day?
How do I do all the things I do?
How am I able to make the balloons like I do?
It is all because of Him and I'll always give Him credit first.
Every day.
Every step.
Every creative idea.
It is all Him 🙌

#DEFEND #Fingerprint #Cross

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

"Happy Half Birthday"

Ever had an email that made you chuckle and tear up at the same time?!

September 13... one of my Daddy's favorite days I believe. September 13 marks the countdown of 6 months until my next birthday. Every single year, as far back as I can remember, I always got a call at some point of him calling all excited every September 13th. "You know what that is? You only got six months left of being blah blah."

But oh how September 13, 2005, was probably one be loved a little too much... His voice took on so many octaves because he knew he had me fair and square "hey baby, guess what?! Only 6 more months of your 20s.... only 6 months... You're going to be a whole 30... THIIIIRRRRRRTTYYYYY... No more 20s. Nothing but 30s... Then guess what it's 40. I mean you're already over half way to 50. It's all gray hairs and wrinkles from here. Let the countdown to 30 begin!!! Happy 29 and a half years" Then he just laughed. 

Little did we know at the time, he would only get to see me hit the 33 mile marker before he left to his heavenly home. And was only a few weeks from being not being able to call on September 13, 2008. I'm sure he was laughing about it with the rest of the family who had already gone on before. 

But looking back I'm sure those were milestones he disliked as much as I did. At 47 and a half, I've realized the old saying "time flies the older you get" is not a cliche. It's a full blown reality. And time is a thief. Even though I don't have children of my own, watching my niece @maloryashlyn grow up and then her have Aurora who is growing like a weed... Time goes by way too fast. Watching my little cousins grow up. I mean watching all y'all's kids grow up at the shop. Time goes by way to fast. 

So today when I got this "half birthday" email from @publix, it brought a smile to my face. A tear to my eye. And I could "hear" my Daddy's voice again. It's hard to believe he's been gone 15 years. Thank you Publix for the memories ❤️

Here's to half birthdays...  Bring on 48! 

#March13Baby #Publix #memorylane 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Another Psalm 139 Reminder

Valentine's Day 2021

This showed up in my Facebook memories and thought I'd share...

Here's another one of those Psalm 139: 9 - 10 moments.... And how He ordains our every single move.

My Thelma the Yukon has been having issues starting the last two weeks. A couple turns and then she would eventually crank right up. I was thinking battery the whole time. 

Thursday night, when headed out to a balloon delivery, Thelma wouldn't crank. 

The first little God wink... 

Mom usually comes to town on Wednesdays to meet up with her appointments for alterations. Last week, she changed it to Thursday. So I grabbed Mom's keys and off to the delivery I went in her truck.

When I got back we attempted to jump Thelma off. She crunk the first time. After about 15 minutes and Mom was headed home, I decided to turn her off one more time to see if she would crank so I wouldn't possibly be stranded all night or Mom having to come back to town. Turned the key and click. Tried again. Click. Reattached jumper cables. Click. Click. Click. Click. So I took Mom home and left Thelma up town by herself.

The next morning Pa Bob brought Mom to work so he could take a look at Thelma to see if it was the battery or what. He cleaned the cables. We tried jumping her off. Click. Click. Click. Nothing. He tested the battery and we found out it wasn't battery. It was the starter.

So I called my cousin and my mechanic Roy Spivey. He was gonna have to tow her in to get her fixed. With it being Friday and Valentine's folks traffic downtown, he decided to come Saturday morning early and get her loaded up safely. 

Here's the bigger picture. I could complain and fuss because it was the starter tearing up. 

But God... 

Let me back up to taking Mom home Thursday night... On my way back to town I was mully grubbing big time. Then I started having a conversation with God. Then I went to complaining "Why did it have to quit tonight? Why this... Why that... When this... When that... And just a big ole WHY???"

I heard that still small voice correct me and made me shush... "I've been warning you two weeks, but you wouldn't stop and get it taken care of."  How many times in life could we prevent problems from happening or even having a snowball effect until it is so much worse, if we would listen the first time God was trying to get our attention? 

Here's the biggest God wink....

Roy called me Saturday to let me know it was the starter... But I had a bigger problem that I had been putting off. I knew I needed to have my front in aligned, but just hadn't taken the time to do it. I didn't realize the bigger problem it would create. Hello I am a woman and I just wasn't taught about this kinda stuff growing up... I can plumb your house. I can play in the panel box and work on appliances. Change my own tire and brakes. A mechanic I am not.... My driver side ball joints were shot. The right side was not as bad. My left tire when he put it on the lift was loose and I'm lucky it didn't do whatever ball joints do when they break while I was on the road traveling.

I mean Thursday night I had planned on a quick weekend getaway to Daytona for the day. But God intervened on that one yet again.

Sooooo.... Had my starter not went out, I wouldn't have had to have Roy come get it and I could have easily wrecked if the ball joint had malfunctioned not knowing how bad the problem was. 

So Happy Valentine's Day to me cause He is always looking out for me and my Psalm 139 reminder ❤

Monday, October 19, 2020

August 10, 2020

If you know me well enough by now, you know I believe God gives us signs as reminders about different things happening in our lives we need a little encouragement & assurance He is still there watching out for us. Listening to us when we pray. There with us when are sharing our broken heart as we are wiping away the tears. When the plans we want to work out aren't what His plans are and it crushes us.

Over the weekend I had some of those big plans get yanked right out from under me. I had let that big wall down that has been up for so long unknowingly. What I had thought was coming to fruition over the last few months came to an abrupt ending. The possibility of a dream coming to pass ended. The last 24 hours has been a reminder of why I keep the wall up and take everyone at face value only. Especially relationships and dating.

I have prayed and had a lot of conversations with God about this situation so many times. God, why this. God, why that. God, what is wrong with me. The whole time it is nothing to do with me and everything to do with the other person. The fact that he isn't who God has for me. There was a post I happened to see and it home on so many levels for me. It was exactly where I was in life with this relationship.

I haven't bought groceries except for frozen dinners and bread since Mom had her heart attack and open heart surgery. I got home today and then went to Dollar General in Broxton. I had put it off most of the afternoon. When I got in the truck I was having those conversations with God again. Remembering the post I had seen. Asking God "if not now, then when? If not him, then who?" As I got a couple of miles from the house, on a road I don't normally drive down, I saw the this amazing rainbow trying to form. Definitely God's way of telling and showing me "didn't I make a promise to you?! I haven't forgotten. It is all in My timing."

As soon as I saw the rainbow today, I immediately remembered a post from September 2018. I was going thru another situation exactly like this one. Matter of fact, it was the same guy. I remember where I was when I got the text. Everything about the text. And how my heart was broken then. As I left the place I was delivering balloons to, I looked up and this was looking directly at me. Another rainbow. So I had to go back and screenshot it to add to this post for today.

We all face a brokenheart, dreams ending, and disappointments. Those are sometimes God's way of not allowing us to settle for something He knows is not meant for us. Even though we think it is the best thing for us. When He has something better. Not saying it can't be the person you ended a relationship with. Sometimes it is just the wrong timing and God needs to heal broken places in their life. And let's face it, in our own life too. If it is not the right timing then it would be a disaster waiting to happen five years down the road. Sometimes it is not the person you are meant to be with and God just won't allow it to happen because He wants His best for you.

There are dreams that don't come to fruition. This could be work, school, or another area of life. This happens because you can't see the bigger picture. The stress and pressure that will leave you exhausted and no time or energy for anything else important in your life.

God has something so much better planned for you! God won't forget those promises He made to you. All in His timing ❤

Sunday, October 11, 2020

My Midnight Hour Angel

Gotta share a story that happened Friday night/Saturday morning. Pretty sure God sent an angel by to visit me... But I need to give you a back story first...

Everyone knows I am a very detailed person when it comes to telling a story. Depending on who you are that is a good or a bad thing! I listened to Pastor Holly Furtick use that illustration in her sermon the other day. Sometimes the gift of gab is good! That is something I also do in my prayer life. I have told a few people a specific prayer and the details surrounding it. I had one guy friend laugh and say "did you really have to go to that level with the prayer. I mean most people would have just said yada, yada and been done with it. Heck you went way beyond that level." Yes I do go to that level because I want to tell God exactly what I want as long as it lines up with His will and purpose in my life.

Most know ten years ago, I called off my engagement and wedding because the relationship was toxic for both of us. After we went our separate ways, I sat down and wrote God a list of all the things I wanted in my future husband. You know God, I know the perfect recipe that would make my husband the best man for me! Most importantly he has to have a love for God, love me with his whole heart, but the rest were a compromise. I mean as much as I want a good ole country boy in Levi's, God might send me a city slicker that.... Nah, God that might not be a compromise! LOL.

Let me insert...
NOPE this is NOT an engagement announcement post...
NOPE this is NOT a wedding announcement post...
Still very single...

At the end of this prayer or list, I went into full Pastor Jesse Duplantis Ministries mode cause God knows I have fun in my prayer life too. I talk to Him like I do my closest friends... "You know God, if you need any help and need a suggestion _______________ would make a great catch." The "great catch" just happens to be one of my favorite country music singers. Yes, 10 years later I have this list still and I will most likely never cross paths with that "great catch". Mainly because I know God has someone perfect just for me at just the right time.

Why is this all important and why am I rambling?! Without this back story the rest of this is not going to have any significance.

Pretty much the whole year of 2020, I have prayed a lot more for my future husband. His walk with God. His health. His safety. His heart. His job. His emotional health. His protection. This is where the "great catch" comes in. I usually have WBYZ blaring in the background to kill the silence at the shop, the house, the truck. When all is quiet at the shop, I will randomly say a prayer for my future Mister. At home getting ready for work wondering "where he is and what is he doing". All of a sudden while I am praying, said "great catch" comes on the radio. This has happened so many times I have started documenting it when it happens down to the date and time. Yeah I am that level of detailing and documenting what some would say as "crazy". But so many times as it happens you have to keep a record. Just like all these heart shaped clouds and vehicle parts I have found lately.

One night when a head light on my truck went out a few months ago, I had stopped on the dirt road as I was leaving Mom's house. As I was getting out to see about it I was like in full disgusted mode "God, this is why I need MY husband already. I need a man to help me do things like this I know nothing about. There are some things I do need a man for so I don't have to do it myself. Please hurry up and send him already... Geezeeeee." Get back in my truck, put truck in gear and wouldn't you know it "great catch" comes on the radio.

To me, this is God sending me those special little reminders that He has not forgotten me, my prayers are not in vain, and to let me know He has this whole bigger picture in His hands.

Annnnnnddddddddd now back to what happened yesterday... I had a busy week with tuxedo rentals and balloons for three events. So I was overloaded. I worked all night Friday night and had balloon centerpieces all over my shop and had to move to almost the front door so I could plug the hot glue gun in to work on some things. As soon as I locked the door at 6:00 p.m. Friday, I put the ear phones in and pulled up my Elevation podcast and listed to Pastor Steven and Holly Furtick all night. At 12 to 12:15ish, the podcast had ended and I was upfront and didn't want to go to the back of the shop and play the next one until I was back there working again to save time. As I was walking around the front, there were soooooo many "neon" balloons around on those bases I did. It was like a sea of neon balloons. So many that I started singing "My favorite color is Neon, the light they always leave on, The weekend on the rocks, An old school jukebox with a little Johnny Lee on, It's the buzz I love to be on, You put a double on your troubles on line, Then end of the tunnel is always neon".

I was working away with earphones still in because I didn't think about taking them out. Still singing "Neoooon". I mean it was barely less than a minute after I sat down that I heard a noise but didn't think about it, then I heard it again. I looked up to see a man standing at the front door of my shop, smiling from ear to ear. He was dress nicely and wearing a blue shirt. I took my ear phones out so I could hear him. He got to where the doors meet so I could hear him better and he said "God said He is about to bless you." As soon as he said it I got chill bumps. I smiled and told him thank you and "God bless you". He waved and then he was gone headed on his way walking south. I have never seen this guy before and probably won't until I get to Heaven.

Sometimes I think God has to go a lot bigger than what we think to show Himself and His promises. When we feel alone. When we feel like we are fighting the whole world. He sends an angel by literally at the midnight hour to prove to you you aren't alone. Just like the song we sang a few years by Fred Hammond "We're blessed in the city, Blessed in the field... Late in the midnight hour, It's gonna work in your favor, God's gonna turn it around, and around, and around". He is still there listening to you. He has not abandoned you. He is still working in your favor. Even though you feel like you are out battling everything yourself. He is still there!

The few people I have shared this with the last two days have had the same reaction and the same chills as it has been shared with them. One pastor's wife I shared it with yesterday said "You know that man wasn't just a man, he was an angel". I already knew that the moment I laid eyes on him at the door but I wanted someone else to confirm it! I debated on sharing this because of some people saying I share too much. Ohhh, just wait until after I marry my Prince Charming. The story I have been writing the last ten years will finally be able to be shared!

There are some things I have got in the works and when the time is right I will share with you all! I have never felt "sane" when I have shared my "great catch" stories. Reality is, I know God has to use someone or something to get our attention. And 10 years ago I could have said someone else on that "my future husband list" and God would have used that person instead.

And by now you have probably realized the "great catch" would be the one and only Chris Young. Hey, you can't blame a girl can ya?! So how bout a little "Neon" for the closing...

#ChrisYoung #ElevationChurch #StevenFurtick #HollyFurtick #Angel

Friday, March 27, 2020

How You Blooming?

And I hope you read the title in your best Joey Tribbiani voice....

I started writing this blog last year after having seen a situation and just wanting to just get the message out there we all "bloom a little differently" in our season of life. Looking at the Camellia tree one morning and comparing the blooms, thinking how different each bloom was in it's own way, the title just clicked perfectly.

Recently I shared a post about the history of the 70+ year old Adolphe Audusson Camellia tree by the front porch of my home. I remember as a child looking forward to it each year so I could pull the blooms apart and toss them on the ground as if I were a little flower girl in a wedding.

My Granny Doris loved that tree blooming every year. Now, I look forward to coming home this time of year to see my steps covered in the many shades of pink petals and blooms that have served their time for this season. These blooms put a smile on my face every morning headed to work and every night when I get home. It makes me all nostalgic and I take trips down memory lane often. 

For the last few years, I have started freezing the petals in zip lock bags every year to preserve them for special moments. Kind of a way to memorialize my Granny and Papa.

This year, I have taken the time to look closely at the blooms as I have picked them to freeze. I have noticed, they are not all the same. Some have ruffles. Some have double blooms on them. Some are smaller. Some are bigger. Some are the same. Many are different. As I was taking photos the other day, I realized even though there are different styles of blooms on this one tree, there is beauty in each bloom. Each bloom alone is amazing, but when you get all the blooms together it becomes spectacular!

Just like in life, we all bloom a little differently. We are all unique. We are all our own person. What we make think are flaws within ourselves, someone else finds the beauty in our imperfections. Our bloom time, aka life, is fragile. We don't know how long we will be on this tree holding on and showcasing our life... living our life. But each day, we bring our own blooming beauty into the world.

To be honest, as a kid growing up, I hated I mean hated my red hair and my ugly freckles. I was embarrassed and ashamed of them. Now as an adult, I realize they are what make me unique. And it kinda gives you a trademark. Sometimes people misjudge you because of the uniqueness they only see on the surface. Just like the flower that has two blooms, we are all different but it makes us who we are. We are all different in our own amazing way.

Just like the blooms, if you start removing the petals or our skin, once you get down to our core being, we are all the same. The blooms have their stems that hold each petal into place. We have the same make up. We all have a heart. A soul. We all have feelings.

Sometimes we lose our complete focus on the bloom that is in front of us because we are looking beyond the petals at the tree. We focus on the tree and all the chaos, we lose sight of what is going on right in front of us. Just like with our fellow brothers and sisters we cross on our journey. We focus on the chaos around them and totally miss the person. 

Just like the blooms, we emulate feelings when we are dealing with others. Are we helping or hurting those around us. Are we causing peace or discord among others. Are we helping others in their time of need or are we too selfish and only think of ourselves. Are strangers happy that they've met you or do they walk away with hoping to never cross your path again.

It is not how you bloom in life, but what you produce when you bloom.

Original Facebook post about the Camellias:
I just called and questioned my cousin who is in her 80's Delilah Boyd to confirm. Delilah's daddy (Clyde) Ellis was my Granny Doris' older brother. He was married to Anna or as we called her Aunt Unnie. That makes them my great Uncle Clyde and Great Aunt Unnie. Somewhere between 1945 - 1949, Mrs. Betty Duncan came up to Pridgen, Georgia, from Jacksonville, Florida, with a single bloom of this flower. Aunt Unnie took the sprigs off the bloom and rooted a total of six trees. Those trees are/were located at my Granny's (mine now), Aunt Unnie's (now George's), Mrs. Betty Duncan, Mrs. Bessie Howe, Granny Blount, and Delilah's old river house (Minshew). We know at least three of these are still living.  Seeing these every morning this time of year reminds me so much of my Granny. Her sitting on her front porch swing with a sweet tea, those long skinny cigarettes, and singing "Swing low sweet chariot"... I miss those days. Life was so much simpler. I wish this tree could talk and tell all of what she's seen over the last 70 years. The freezes. The storms. The drought. The rain. The memories our family has made sitting right there on those ole concrete steps and front porch. She sure has weathered a lot in her time but she is still just as beautiful each year as she was the year before... #camellia #memories #countrylife #nostalgia #familyhistory #nature #flowers #photography

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Hitchhiking Bear

Meet Hitchie!!

Everyone pretty much knows my work schedule and the fact I seldom get home before what I like to call "dark a thirty". The shop is basically two full time jobs. Dresses, formal wear, deliveries by day; balloon and party decor creating by night. Believe me when I say it takes both of them to stay afloat in this time we live in of small business.

Every year about this same time I am always seemingly at a crossroads and with a lot of choices to make. Each year it seems as if the pressure is taken up a notch or two. All of my friends locally and even my friends on Facebook who I open up to can all tell you I have relied on them with their advice and prayers the last few weeks, months, and years. I have poured out my heart and gotten so much confirmation about the same "thing" from each of them. Each of them not knowing what the others were saying. Even told one "you sure you haven't hacked my phone because this is exactly what another friend said." Each and every single one of them know how thankful I am for them and their never ending and nonjudgmental friendship! 

Let me be totally honest. It sure wasn't always sugarcoated advice and direction from my friends. It was not always something that I liked to hear. I mean several times I had my friend Denise Arnett Burkett who is a pastor's wife and a pastor herself tell me "you may hate me after this but I feel like God is saying......" cause it wasn't coming from "thus says her", it was a true on-time word and God was stepping on my toes just to see how much I trusted Him. God was scolding me because I knew and wasn't doing what I knew to do in these circumstances. He had already spoken things to me and I hadn't obeyed them... Then she comes along and confirms what He had already told me to do... I may or may not have tucked my tail a time or two. 

Yesterday was a slower day at the shop and with balloon deliveries. I was done by 3ish and had a 4 p.m. appointment coming in for a groomsmen bridal party. A couple of days ago, I had bought a new scented tart air freshener and I decided to try it out. It was close to 3:30 when I put it in the wax tart warmer. Besides inheriting my looks from my Mama, I also was "blessed" with her allergies to certain scents and other allergens. Insert the most sarcastic "thanks Mom" eye roll you can imagine here.... but I love you!!! By the time the customers left, I could already tell my chest was tightening up. Breathing was different. My sinuses were on fire. It was like I had swallowed mini razor blades. Then the dreaded sinus headache meets migraine which puts me out for the count. So I headed north to the house. 

A quick stop by the Broxton Dollar General (Broxton Wal-Mart) for some Excedrin. Since it was daylight, I stopped by the cemetery to visit Daddy's grave. It seems like I can pour out a lot of my heart and mind when I am there. Then on to the house. 

Took the side road because I had seen the irrigation system across the highway on full blast and wanted to sneak in a few photos. Yes, if you haven't figured out, I am a country girl thru and thru. Then I noticed the patch of yellow flowers. I got some photos of them as I was sitting inside the truck. They were pretty and I decided to get out of the truck to play with the irrigation system in the background of the photos. Got back in the truck, looked down, and saw a weird piece of glass. Got back out and picked it up to observe it a little more. Off to the house I went.

As I was pulling off, I happened to glance back and see a 2.5" face sitting on the side of the road staring back at me from the ditch. A hitchhiker of sorts. It was propped up with a tree branch. He was approximately the length of my Yukon and cargo trailer behind me as I had already passed him. I immediately grabbed my camera, of course, to take photos to document the bear's little 6" stuffed cute self! Then I got out with my cell phone to get some shots of him up close. Surely, he belonged to someone close by so I was literally going to take the picture and just post it to Facebook so the owner could properly claim him. That is when I noticed his necklace had a dove charm on it so I just smiled because I knew it was meant for me to find him. Then I noticed his left paw had the Philippians 4:5 monogrammed into it so I was like okay Lord, here is my sign... I literally sat in the middle of the road and googled the verse to see what it said. I totally had an ah-ha moment and a thank you Jesus praise break on the dirt road in my truck!

Quoting from in the New Living Translation:

Philippians 4:5
"Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon."

I have always kinda thought of myself as a considerate person. Merciful. Compassionate. Generous spirit. Kindness. Courteous. I try to be as Godly as I can to represent Him well. I am not perfect by any means whatsoever. I have my faults just as much as the next person. I will be the first to admit it and shout it from the rooftops. However, I try to keep my character and integrity in tune with my Christian walk. I stumble along the way. He is always gracious and merciful enough to forgive us. 

The Lord is coming soon... 
We have all heard all of our lives about the rapture and the Lord is coming soon. It is closer than we think. We are in the last days. But today, sitting here typing out this blog post, I got a whole new revelation of what this means to me for my right now situation. I may be faced with problems. Decisions I need to make. "Things" I need to do. Currently worried about how "I", me, all by myself, no one else is going to help me make these choices. I have the confirmation that in my decisions, in my valley, in my trial times... The Lord is coming soon to help me out of my situation and to help me make the rights paths He is going to layout before me. I just have to seek His face and to seek His will for the answers I am needing.

I text a couple of friends "Okay the situation that I am in and feel like I am drowning... That God is a bazillion miles away... I know the scripture is probably talking about the rapture but my whole revelation I just got is that God's coming soon to answer the prayer. He's going to show up in His time to meet the needs and the prayers I have." They both confirmed this as well.

Philippians 4: 5 ties right into Psalm 34:18... I am sharing from again...
Psalm 34:18
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed."

He is close. He is near. He is on the way. He is coming soon.

Brokenhearted. Crushed spirit. Empty. Alone. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Worthless. Disconnected. Inadequate.  

Yeah, let me be real honest, those are all the feelings I can say have described me the past few months. I am an open book and I don't mind sharing so it can help someone else. I mean, what I present myself as on Facebook is not always the happy go lucky side of me. We all hide our true emotions because we are afraid of what someone else might think or say about us if they knew the real life situations we were going thru.

The Greek translation to Philippians 4:5 is "the Lord is near". He is near. He is close by. He is there to help you. He is that comforter when we are broken. We have to rely on and trust in Him and His timing. It is hard to do especially for me because with me being a business owner, I control the situations at the shop. I don't delegate and turn things over for others to do. But this is one area I am going to have to learn to "let loose and let God" handle by trusting in Him even more. 

The Dove Charm
We all know in the story of Noah and the flood, God used a dove to be the messenger that brought back the olive branch and a sign that life was growing again after the flood. The dove represents peace. It is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The fact the bear was wearing a dove charm on his necklace lets me know everything is going to work out like it should. The Holy Spirit being represented to remind me God is the peace speaker in our times of trouble, of doubt, of worry. The dove charm was my confirmation of this being a message from God about what I can't see beyond the water that is surrounding my boat right now. This little bear was a true messenger from God to be my reminder. 

This also reminds me of the blog I posted last year about the flowers... "Beauty in the Ditch"... I found my little bear on the side of the road in the ditch. He is dirty. If you shake him, red clay dirt will fall out. Even when we are our lowest. When we feel dirty and not worthy because we have not done what He has instructed us to do. He is right there in the spot where we left Him when we took the wrong road. All we have to do is make a U-Turn to get everything back on track into His perfect will and plans for our lives. 

I challenge you to read all of Philippians 4 and Psalm 34. These two chapters in Scripture show how God answered the prayers of those who prayed and sought out His help. They are proof He did it before and won't He do it all again! 

Today, I can look back and be thankful for the migraine made me go home early from work. I had all intentions of staying late yesterday to get ready for this week's events. But had I not went home, I would not have gotten an on time message intended just for me as I was looking back behind me riding down the road in the form of a little teddy bear that represents so much more. This morning was a new morning. A new start with new meaning and purpose. Thankful to know I personally have a direct connection to The Peace Speaker!

#faith #encouragement #Philippians #Psalm #FaithJewels #Dove #Windiism

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Broken Prosperity

This may be one of the unpopular posts after it is all said and done... But something has been weighing on my heart all day. For years, I have followed this Pastor on social media. Before he ever got a position in the pulpit, he was always encouraging people thru the real problems they were having in life. I have him set to come up as one of the first posts I see when I log into Facebook. The last few days, the message has only been about "steps to your financial prosperity", prosperity this, prosperity that. Am I against people being financially prosperous? No, not at all. What good is prosperity when you feel like you have nothing else at all to live for?!

We have seen it in the news. Celebrities and athletes who have "everything" yet they are miserable. What good is having all the money in the world at your disposal and not having peace in the depths of your soul? The hidden places no one sees. Behind the mask of a falsetto smile you share daily and everyone around you thinks you have it all together. Those are the areas we need to be there to help those around us. Otherwise, they will continue to be weighed down by the things in their past and will never advance to being able to live out the greatest life. 

Today, the post struck me in a way. I am not bashing the pastor by any means. But what good does it do to preach on prosperity when we have a world out there that is hurting?! There are people that are "broke" financially. But there is a world out there full of "broken" people. We need to be encouraging those who need to see prosperity in their broken places of their lives. They need to have the healing from the wounds of the past which are continually holding them back from advancing forward in their lives. A broken home. A failed marriage. A loss of a loved one. A job loss. A dream that didn't come true. A chance they didn't take. A diagnosis. There are so many things that affect us all so differently. 

Being able to be content in the life you are living now even if you only have two pennies to rub together, that is the richest life you can live. Not letting all those things in the past repeatedly hold you back from going out each day and living the fullest life you can live. Successfully living life. 

The last few months I have had my eyes opened and am more aware of how many people are still holding on to the past and they are not moving forward because they are stuck in the past. For a while, I was that person. By the grace of God, many tears and many prayers, I finally found my closure and I found my place of healing. It wasn't overnight. It is a process. Daily. Of putting one foot in front of the other. Being so determined to get thru the pain. Desolation. Hurt. Rejection. To find me and live the best life I can. To help others along the way by sharing my story and every ounce of encouragement I can give them to not throw in the towel just yet. You have a lot of life yet to live. 

Where is our heart for those that are in their broken places?

Matthew 16:26
26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 

Friday, June 8, 2018

There Is Still Beauty In The Ditch

May 2, 2018
Instagram: @windireneephotography

I've been eyeing this one patch of white flowers (aka weeds) in the ditch on my way to work every morning for a few weeks. Today was the morning I happened to remember them before I went past them. 

If you know anything about me, you know I keep my camera within arms reach while driving. So today I stopped, grabbed the cell and the Canon, and commenced to taking pictures. This is the just cell phone shot! 

I've been going thru some different "things" in my life lately. Nothing major. Just sometimes you feel like you are stuck in the ditch or in the bottom of the valley.  For some reason I kept feeling an urgency to get it posted quickly. As I was sitting at the red light looking at this picture and adding my watermark, I heard that still small voice say "THERE IS STILL BEAUTY IN THE DITCH". That was my reason why!

Life isn't always going to be perfect. There are ups and downs along the road we call life. Decisions to make. Lots of forks in the road. Chances to take. Sometimes we win. Sometimes we lose. Moments we have our dreams seemingly shattered right in front of our eyes. Our hearts get broken. But even though you feel like you are wading chest deep thru the ditch.... Crawling thru the valley on your belly.... There is still life in the lowest places. There is still beauty even in our trying times. You just have to be still and look for the good in the circumstances. 

Life is a beautiful thing!

Daniel 2:21 says "He (God) changes times and seasons." 

And just as I was reminded this morning, there will be others to stop and help you on the journey. As I had a couple of neighbors stop and check on me to make sure I was okay and not stranded on the side of the road. While I was playing in the ditch, help came along the way. He is our ever present help in times of trouble. All we have to do is ask!

#wednesdaywisdom #windiism #biblescripture #encouragement #inspiration #motivation #scripture #lifelesson #nature #naturephotography #wildflowers #ditch #valley #Godsbeauty #faithjewelsblog #windireneephotography

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Tragedy Brings Unity

Sharing my thoughts...

After Hurricane Harvey had already hit Houston and Irma was already out there brewing up with the then possibility of hitting us on the east coast, I was riding home one night after working thinking of all the devestation in Texas. Last year at this time I was getting back from a trip to the flooded area of Denham Springs area of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I saw what the aftermath post storm was about firsthand. It wasn't a hurricane that hit the area. Simply lots of rain. It's indescribable the feeling you have seeing everyone's lifetime on the sidewalk for trash pick up.

Our newsfeed and timelines have been flooded with videos, photos, and stories of people coming together and helping their neighbors out in their times of crisis. Risking their own lives to save the life of someone they have never met before and may never see again. They aren't getting paid for their time to help another person. They aren't doing it for the glory or the praise. They are doing everything they do to help in any way they are needed. People leaving the safety and security of their own homes, leaving their own families behind, to go do whatever is needed for them to do to lift the burdens of strangers.

Also in the news lately, we have seen a lot of division among our country. A lot of fighting. A lot of discord.

As a forty something year old woman, it breaks my heart to see so much negative happenings going on in America. My thoughts went back to the day America put all of its differences aside and we became a nation who pulled together to help others on that tragic day of September 11th. The news proved then we could come together as a UNITED States to help our fellow Americans not based on any circumstances.

I can take you back to the exact location on Highway 441 where I looked up at God and simply said "Why is it taking another tragedy that rocked our nation like September 11th did to bring us back to being a United States of America again?" Why does it take a tragedy of this magnitude to make us put down our differences and reach out our hands to help our fellow neighbor?

And no, I am not saying God did this for this purpose. I'm not bringing religion or politics into this as a debate. It's just sad it takes an event of this caliber for us to put our differences aside. To be there to help our fellow man!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Just Get The Bottle Of Water

Instinct to Me.... "Go ahead and get a bottle of water to take along for the ride."

Me to Instinct.... "I just put an ice cold can of A&W Root Beer in my truck I just opened. Do you really think I want water?! I don't want the water and really probably won't even drink it because I don't even like plain water."

Instinct to Me... "Just get the bottle of water."

Me to Instinct... "Well, it is not like it will go sour. Whatever...." Rolls eyes. Huff and puffs like a four year old. Opens refrigerator and gets the bottle of water.

Yes, it is time to openly admit I can carry on full conversations with myself. I debate myself. We disagree on things a lot. I usually second guess what my gut instinct says to me. But yet, I have learned to give in and listen to that still small voice because usually "it" knows more than I do. Guess you could say listening and obeying comes easier with getting older... or maybe even wiser. If I would have listened more frequently over the years, looking back over my 41 years, I think many things in my life would have happened very differently. 

The morning of July 6, 2017, I had to take a road trip out of town to meet with a potential client about her upcoming event. We met to look at the venue and discuss the different types of balloon and other decor she wanted to have at her special event. (ps.... If you are just stumbling across my blog as a stranger who doesn't know a thing about me... First of all welcome and thanks for stopping by. I am a Certified Balloon Artist who owns a formal wear shop who also does event planning and decorating.)

I needed to get a "visual" of the floor plan down on paper so I could see if what she had in mind for me to create would work in the space of the building. Plus I wanted to meet her in person instead of phone calls and Facebook messages. I guess you can say I am still a little old fashioned in my business ways. All this new technology and social media makes it less personal. I would rather have a face-to-face meeting or a phone conversation.

I came in and worked at the shop til about 12:15. I printed out all 32 pages of the ideas she had and some I had prepared as well so we could compare notes. These were placed in a binder on the corner of my counter so I would "not" forget them. I am still working on my "forgetter" instinct by the way... Went to the back room and decided to grab an ice cold A&W Root Beer out of the fridge. I wrote a note to place on the front door of the shop explaining why I was temporarily out of the shop. Walked right by the important binder. Grabbed the note to place on the door. Put the note on the door. Locked the door. Got into my truck. Realized I had left the binder inside. Got out of truck. Went back inside. Grabbed binder. Realized since no one would be at the shop, I might as well bump the thermostat up so it would not be running all day long with no one here. So to the back of the shop I went, one more time.

I need to pause the story so I can brag on myself a minute because I am proud of me and my major accomplishment! If you know me, you know I am (was) a Coca-Cola addict. Every single time you saw me with something in my hand there's a 99.9% chance it was a 20 oz Coca-Cola bottle. The other .1% of the time was sweet tea. I do not really like bottle water. I can drink tap from my faucet at home from my deep well in the country. Unflavored, bottled water is just nasty. I guess it is an acquired taste because no two bottled brands of water tastes the same. I decided twelve days ago to cut off the Cokes. Plain and simple. Cold turkey. No looking back. I also kicked my morning cup of coffee habit out the window the same morning. I have been replacing the Cokes with Country Time Lemonade, sweet tea, Gatorade, and A&W Root Beer. Amazingly, I have done very well with this abrupt change. Back to the story...

As I rounded the corner to turn the lights off after cutting the air off, I heard that still small voice speak up like she does when it knows of something ahead that you really don't know is about to unfold. So our debate of getting a simple bottle of water began. 

Instinct to Me.... "Go ahead and get a bottle of water to take along for the ride."

Me to Instinct.... "I just put an ice cold can of A&W Root Beer in my truck I just opened. Do you really think I want water?! I don't want the water and really probably won't even drink it because I don't even like plain water."

Instinct to Me... "Just get the bottle of water."

Me to Instinct... "Well, it is not like it will go sour. Whatever...." Rolls eyes. Huff and puffs like a four year old. Opens refrigerator and gets the bottle of water.

As I grabbed the bottled water, I took one with a little ice in it. I mean I was even rolling my eyes as I shut the door because I knew I did not have any lemonade mix so I would not be drinking it. Then I walked back up front. Grabbed the forgotten binder. Locked the door. Got in truck, Threw the cold bottle of water in the passenger seat. Then proudly took a gulp of my cold A&W as the road trip began.

You know you can't have a relevant conversation without talking about the weather. I live kinda in the middle of southeastern Georgia. It is July. It is summer. We are experiencing good ole hawttttt weather. Like a post I actually posted today of a meme I had found on a friend's page "Y'all pray for The South. Ain't nothin' wrong with it, it's just about 5 degrees shy of Satan's kitchen." That is a sermon all in itself. Today at 12:45 it was around 93 degrees BUT when you factor in the humidity of the south, the AccuWeather "RealFeel" temperature said it was 103 degrees.... I want to move to Alaska for other reasons besides rattle snakes. 

I am finally riding in this hot weather, with a bottle of cold water I won't drink and my A&W. I get a few miles out of town when I see a truck broken down on the side of the road. The hood is raised. As I am passing by, I noticed an old man who had to be in his late 70's standing beside the road in this unbearable heat. I am not one who notices the color of a person's skin. What I noticed was an old man who may or may not have a cell phone to call for help stranded in the hot sun in the 103 degree weather. I didn't know if he had help on the way or not, but I pulled off on a dirt road to text one of my law enforcement friends to see if he was on duty. Today was his day off. I explained the situation and told him I was going back to make sure the man was okay health wise and to let him use my phone if he needed it. I would have waited with him so he could sit in the cold air til help got there if he wanted me to.  That's just me. I saw a person who needed help and I acted on it.

After I got done with the texting, I laid my phone down. Put my truck in reverse. Looked to my left to do a traffic check. All clear. Looked out the passenger window to do a traffic check. All clear. But as soon as I glanced down at the passenger seat and saw that cold bottle of water, I'll admit I did tear up a whole bunch as I kinda exhaled back into my seat.  I then took the time to look up to heaven out of my driver window and verbally said "So I guess now I know why you made me get that coldest bottle of Dasani water out of the fridge. You knew this man would be out here and he needed this because of his circumstances. Thank you!"

I proceeded to check traffic again. Proudly pulled out onto the highway and backtracked to the old man. As I was getting closer to the vehicle is when I noticed the wheelchair in the back of the truck. The tailgate was not on the truck or either it was let down. When I saw the person coming from the other side, I noticed he had on different clothes and was about 20 years younger. I was like I know I saw an old man earlier,  guess I need glasses! That happens when you hit 40 by the way...

So as I pulled up and let the window down, I noticed the old man was sitting in the passenger seat now. Maybe I don't need glasses after all! I greeted what appeared to be the son of the gentleman. He was in his 50's. I asked if he had a phone to call help or did he need to use mine. He had already called for help and they were on the way. I asked if Papa was okay. Yes he was good. I asked I'd they needed anything. No ma'am, we are good til they get here. Then I reached over into the passenger seat and grabbed that bottle of water and basically said "Here this is for y'all." I offered it to him as I explained that it was a new bottle of cold water in hadn't even cracked the seal on it yet. He said "yes, I'll take that. Thank you and God bless you." I told him he was very welcome and hoped everything was okay.

He didn't know God and I had argued about that bottle of water. I didn't know I would be meeting a need of quenching someone else's thirst on the side of the road who had been standing out in the heat while his truck was broken down. But God did. God knows what is before us and what will be along our path. He looks after the sparrow and He looks after His own in the same ways. Even if He has to send a complete stranger along the way to supply the need. Sure I couldn't help with truck repairs, but I was able to provide a bottle of water. I know I have been stranded before on the side of the road with a flat tire, in the heat, and would have given anything for a bottle of water. 

I have always been one who says "trust your gut" or listen to "that still small voice". I truly believe it is God speaking to us and giving us guidance in our lives. All we have to do is trust in Him and obey. We would be surprised more often than not if we heeded to that voice how much better our lives would be. It is all about faith and trusting He will lead us and guide us along the path we call life. He will supply all of our needs no matter how great or how small.

In hindsight, how long would it have been until they got something cold to drink had I not listened and obeyed and happened to have a bottle of water with me!

Luke 12:24 
"Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest, they don't have storerooms or barns, but God feeds them. And you are worth much more than birds"

Psalm 107:9
"For He satisfies the thirsty"

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

An Exodus To Find A Hidden Treasure

Sometimes God has to take you 554 miles away from home to give you the answer to the prayers you have been praying for. Why?! I mean He could have easily done it at your home, your office, your commute to work, the gas station, the grocery store, and the many other stops along the way. Most of the time in our daily lives we are distracted by everything around us and we fail to miss the obvious signs. Adjusting the radio. Adjusting the air conditioner. Thinking about our to do list for the day. Answering the phone. Thing is, would you have stopped along the way and looked for it.

Since I was old enough to remember, I have known there is a calling on my life. Sometimes I think I have gotten really close to walking in it 100%. Other times, I have run just as far away from it as the east is from the west. Why? Yes, another “why”… I don’t feel qualified. I don’t feel like I measure up. I know I don’t know The Word as much as some folks. I don’t have a degree in Bible theology. Whereas most folks think us Southerners talk too slow, my speed is always wide open. What do you say you the microphone is in your hand? How do you know for sure what you are speaking is exactly what God wants you to say? What if you “miss” it? How do you know when you are ready? And the biggest question of them all, how in the world do you even begin to start a ministry? This has been open discussions between God and I a lot lately.

You know the more you run and fight it, the more miserable you wind up being. Guess it is time to take the mini blinds down and let you see a little more into my world and where I have been in the last few months.

It is not a secret. I have been pretty much single the past six years. Yes, I do date. I have gone out with some great gentlemen for supper and conversation. Since calling off my engagement November 19, 2010, I threw myself into work, volunteering, road trips, anything to occupy my mind so I would not allow myself to get back to the place of opening my heart to have it completely shattered into a quadrillionzillonmillion pieces. Yes, that is officially a word now! Basically, I have been alone every New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, birthday (that’s a holiday, right?!), Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. Every single one of these days is based on having family and a significant other around you to celebrate these days. I have an amazing family and group of friends… Don’t think I am throwing them under the bus. They are my greatest support system and they know how much I love and appreciate every single one of them.

July 4th, 2016… A day of celebration of Independence Day… Ironic isn’t it? Independence… Independent… Standing alone… Single… It is the highlight of every summer. Families are taking trips to the beach, mountains, river, or the lake. Lots of time spent together on the road trips. Friends were all gathering together for grilling and swimming in the back yard poolside. Thanks to social media, I was reminded I was single. Not going any specific place; but if I would have been, I would have been going alone since everyone else had plans. Usually it does not get to me and bother me as bad as it did this year. I had gotten myself into a funk.

As soon as I had gotten off work on Saturday, I headed home and went straight to bed. Sunday morning ritual, got up, got my coffee, brushed my teeth, showered, put on another set of pajamas, and back to bed I went. Mentally I had beaten myself up and was in a place I don’t allow myself to get to very often. It was a shady place. Even when I get to these places I would never do anything to cause self harm to me, you all have my word on that. You get to a place where you are tired of even trying. Sunday was a day of tossing and turning and tossing and turning some more. Then thankfully, it was night and I fell asleep. Then on Monday morning, it was the same as Sunday. The more I looked at Facebook, the more depressed I became. However, around 2:00 I mustered up enough of whatever I had left and decided I needed to get ready to do to the stadium for the fireworks. Got completely ready. Walked out onto the front porch, put key in the dead bolt, locked the dead bolt, sat there a few seconds, and then turned the key in the dead bolt back to the left. Less than a minute later, there I was back lying across the bed, and stayed there until it was time for work on Tuesday morning.

The person I had allowed myself to become is not the normal “Windi”. Most of you can vouch for me if you now me personally. I had slowly allowed myself to become this person I was not used to being. Honestly, I did not like who I had become. Sure I could put on the game face in every day life. Since the world has enough negative drama on social media, I dare didn’t share my mully grubbing to everyone. There is a lot more people in this world fighting greater battles just to stay alive.

At 40, I am no where near where I thought I would be in life. I bet if I could sit down and talk to my 18 year old self, even she would be shocked. Life has not played out like I thought it would. Have I mentioned single and 40?! I don’t have kids of my own; that is the two legged kids. I got my four legged fur babies. Okay, so God “why”. I mean I know I am very independent, but I would be nice to have a husband around to borrow his shoulders when life gets too heavy. I am far from Miss America, but I would like to think I am that “girl next door” kinda cute. Above all else, I know I have a heart of gold and that should count for something, right?!

Now let us fast forward to August 2016. From August 12 – August 22, 2016, in only ten days, there were 20 Louisiana parishes (counties as we call them in Georgia) that experienced an overabundance of rainfall from a storms that seems to just “sit there”. Some locations received as much as 20 inches of rain in that time frame. Rivers flowed out of their banks. The flooding has gone on record (I read somewhere) to have been the “worst US natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy in 2012.” The prolonged rain led to total disaster for some families and business owners who lost e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g……… Everything they had ever worked for. Pictures. Clothing.  Approximately 146,000 homes full of memories. Gone.

I, like most of the world, watched the news and social media to see this disaster unfolding along with the aftermath of the victims it left behind. I have always said we are one tragic event in our lives which changes everything as we knew it 5 minutes before. I lost my Daddy to cancer on 08/16/2008. In March of 2009, my Mom’s home caught on fire. She didn’t lose the house as the fire miraculously never made it out of the bathroom, but everything was smutted up. So I know and understand loss.

One of my friends had shared a post and it got me to thinking. One of those heart string pulling kind of posts. I am on the local Advisory Board for The Salvation Army. This post had shared what efforts volunteers with The Salvation Army were doing to help out from all over the country. I decided then, I was going to do something to help in some way out there. Since Labor Day weekend was only a couple of weeks away, I decided I was not going to be sitting myself at home alone repeating the schedule as I followed July 4th. I refused to sit all cooped up at home. I talked with family and friends, most importantly God, and decided I would collect donations from those who wanted to donate and deliver them to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The Salvation Army distribution center there was also lost in the flood which meant all supplies they would have had for the victims was also lost. After phone calls and text messages were sent, I made my announcement to Facebook on Thursday, only nine days prior to me loading up and heading west. Donations were hygiene products, shampoo, deodorant, baby diapers and wipes, food, cleaning supplies, dog and cat food, water, food, and other items. By the time we loaded the last item on Saturday, September 3, the 6’ x 12’ U-Haul trailer was about 80% loaded!!! I think my friends and family are pretty amazing!!!

I had a few friends and family wanting to go with me on the trip. I knew in my heart I needed this alone time with God. I needed to be by myself to sort out whatever it was going on in my life. I had gotten to the place where I was overwhelmed. This was the perfect opportunity to go help someone else in need as well as helping myself. I love a good road trip. Anywhere, USA, always sounds like a good destination spot. I needed to do this trip for me to get me away from the hustle and the bustle. No computer. Limited cell phone. Some K-Love blaring out the speakers. Time for me to allow God to work on me without any distractions.  

I left Coffee County with a heavy load (physically and mentally) around 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. I made it to the Cortana Mall, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, around 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The crew there unloaded the trailer and then I was off to find a hotel since I had spent that much time in the vehicle and had been up for 36+ hours. The Salvation Army was set up in an empty Macy’s building in the Cortana Mall. The whole mall was vacant so I am pretty sure it was also a flood location that had been cleaned before they set up.

After everything was unloaded, it was time to drop the U-Haul and find a place to get some sleep. As I was leaving the mall area, you could see families that had set up tents to sleep there. Some were sleeping in their vehicles. Some even found shelter under the bus stop booth. As I was pulling out, I noticed a pile of what I thought was “trash”. As I got closer, I could tell it was a book of some sort. So I slowed down and realized it was a Bible that was open. Part of me was ready to jump out and get it right then, the other part of me thought it may have belonged to some of the residents there. I wound up not stopping to pick it up. The rest of the night it crossed my mind a couple of times and I decided I was going to go back and pick it up if it was still there the next day. I mean what if where it was opened to was something I needed to read?

I had forgotten to unload a box of baby formula and milk on the first trip to the donation site. Monday morning I headed back up to deliver and with a made up mind if the Bible was still there, I was going to be getting it. I pulled up to the side door and handed the security guard the box. Explained where it was from. Then out to the parking lot I went in search of my treasure. Sure enough it was there. I could tell it was pretty waterlogged from either the flood or the thunderstorm which passed thru the night before. Nevertheless, I proudly picked it up and placed it in the back seat of my truck on a plastic bag. I did not stop to read where it was open to or anything at the time as it was too wet and smelled of mildew. The grass under where had been, was a bright neon green color. It had been there a while.

It wasn’t until Wednesday night after I returned home that I settled down to read the Scriptures of where the Bible was opened. That is when I had an ah-ha moment. Matthew 7:7-8 is subtitled “Effective Prayer”, it is written in red, as Jesus said Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. This takes me back to the place I was when I was asking all of those questions in paragraph two of this blog. I have been asking. I have been seeking. I have been knocking on heaven’s door a lot lately. The answer to my prayers was like a hidden treasure lying out on that grass.

The Bible was opened to Exodus 4. I always think about Exodus as Moses always travelling around. Already, I knew God was on point since I love to ramble as much as I can!!! Merriam-Webster's definition of "exodus" is "The Biblical book of Exodus describes the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, so it's no surprise that the word has come to refer more generally to any mass departure. The word itself was adopted into English (via Latin) from Greek Exodus, which literally means "the road out." The Greek word was formed by combining the  prefix ex- and hodos, meaning "road" or "way." 

As I was reading, when I got to verses 10 – 12, I had the realization of why I had made the trip all the way out there. It wasn’t just for the donations delivered to the victims who were in desperate need of them. I needed to get out there to find the Bible I found. Exodus 4:10-12 reads 

10 Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

11 The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind?Is it not I, the Lord? 12 Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

I guess it doesn’t get any plainer than that. As I read it, I got the heart racing, chill bumps, and eyes filled with tears emotions going on. I knew then and there God had placed the Bible there for little, big ole me!

Do I know what the next step is or where to go from here? I don’t have a clue. I just know to trust in The One who will open the door when the time is right.

If you look around to torn out page, wrapping the rest of the Bible, as you will see in the picture, it is Proverbs 3:5-6 ….
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,  and he will make your paths straight.”

Just to ease all the speculation as to my Facebook post as I made a bland post and some took it as a “man” I had found out there. To a degree I did find “The Man” and His Word. So for now, you all are still stuck with me in Coffee County.